Colin Booth
Colin’s career has focused on the importance of integrated design, delivery, and business models in delivering a more sustainable built environment. His commitment to a better process and product has led to 20 years of architecture and urban planning at all scales locally and globally, a decade of multifamily real estate development in the greater Boston region, and recognition as an industry thought leader. With Stack+Co., Colin focuses on company strategy, business development, and integrated project management.
Colin’s previous roles include Managing Director of Placetailor, Associate Architect and Head of Sustainability at Sasaki, Board Chair of the Sasaki Foundation, Trustee of the Boston Architectural College, Project Manager of two US DOE Solar Decathlons, R&D tax credit consultant, and General Partner of multiple housing development projects.
He speaks regularly at national and regional conferences on the topics of sustainable design and hybrid business models. For over a decade Colin has taught courses or lectured on similar topics at the BAC, MIT, Harvard, Tufts, Wentworth, MassArt, Northeastern, as well as design schools in Zhuhai and Guangzhou, China.